Saturday, November 1, 2008

Our Morning In A Junkyard

This morning we went to the junkyard
It was kind of a nice reflection of earlier years
for we spent many a Saturday
Walking through junkyards
Looking to get parts to design
Our Futura Falcon ~ our hotrod from back in the day
I think junkyards are creepy
It’s like you are in a graveyard
Of dead bodies (the cars no longer able to work)
As you are among these dead bodies
Your looking for a body to match your body
While seeing many different lives these bodies have lived
Like one which didn’t have a door anymore
Had some toys on the floor from a young child
Or another had some papers, and some pennies on the floor.
In some you see the aftermath of a wreck
One just took my mind for awhile
For this one was smashed in from the front
And smashed in from behind
And I had to wonder
did that body experience a human body dying inside
I had to take a look inside and just imagine… could of anyone possibly survived…
…if anyone did survive ~
what kind of a miracle must of took place
This particular body….
which took my mind for awhile
Happened to be right aside of the one
we had to operate on for 1 ½ hours
to get our
needed part from its body…
As I said being in a junkyard~
~it is like you are in a graveyard
Of dead bodies which
haven’t been buried
And you are looking through the organ donors
To find the part you need for your body
While wondering what kind of experiences
these bodies must have gone through.
Just Creepy to me….

1 comment:

a skateboarder who plays guitar. said...

Why the heck did you not pick up e pennys in that one car? You know if therespennys on the floor just imagine whats beetween those cushons. But seriously i can realate walking through an actual grave yard i look at the years this person lived, sometimes few sometimes long, but nomatter what death is a part of everyones life and even though its painful to think about sometimes God cannot bear to see his children suffer any longer and I know its hard but when this happens sometimes it needs to be welcome in a good way. i strongly miss people who have passed and when i look back at some of them i realize that they must have been suffering i dont know how it works but when i was young i imagined they were still inside and trapped and able to hear and see us but never say a thing such as goodbye . I miss these people and loved them but know they are in a better place and they are free.